

  • 来源:赢咖
  • 发布时间:2020-04-24
序号作者姓名    成果名称发表刊物名称、期卷数(时间)、页码论文级别收录情况(三大索引等)作者序单位序
1胡思江Insight of a phase compatible surface coating for long-durable Li-rich layered oxide cathodeAdv. Energy Mater. 2019,9(34),1901795SCI一区SCI第一作者第一单位
2解明江Template-assisted construction of N,O-doped mesoporous carbon nanosheet from hydroxyquinoline-Zn complex for high-performance aqueous symmetric supercapacitorApplied Surface Science30 November 2019, Doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.144921SCI一区SCI通讯作者第一单位
3解明江Microwave-assisted conversion of biomass wastes to pseudocapacitive mesoporous carbon for high-performance supercapacitorJournal of Energy ChemistryVolume 39, December 2019, Pages 1-7SCI一区SCI通讯作者第二单位
4龙涛Protective effects of trans-2,3,5,4 "-tetrahydroxystilbene 2-O-beta-d-glucopyranoside on liver fibrosis and renal injury induced by CCl(4)via down-regulating p-ERK1/2 and p-Smad1/2Food & Function、10(8):5115-51123、2019年8月SCI一区SCI第一作者第一单位
5龙涛Simultaneous separation of six pure polymethoxyflavones from sweet orange peel extract by high performance counter current chromatographyFood Chemistry、292:160-165、2019年9月 SCI一区SCI 通讯作者第一单位
6万柳Facile synthesis of nitrogen self-doped hierarchical porous carbon derived from pine pollen via MgCO3 activation for high-performance supercapacitorsJournal of Power Sources, 438(2019年8月),227013SCI一区SCI第一作者第一单位
7万柳Nitrogen, sulfur co-doped hierarchically porous carbon from rape pollen as high-performance supercapacitor electrodeElectrochimica Acta,311(2019年4月),72-82SCI一区SCI第一作者第一单位
8阮志军Recent progress of magnetic nanomaterials from cobalt-containing organometallic polymer precursorsPolymer Chemistry,2019年11月 DOI:10.1039/C9PY01517ESCI一区SCI第一作者第一单位
9杨水彬Adsorption of CO2, O2, NO and CO on s-triazine-based g-C3N4 surfaceCatalysis Today, 2019,335,117-127SCI一区SCI通讯作者第二单位
10杨水彬Novel g-C3N4/g-C3N4 S-scheme isotype heterojunction for improved photocatalytic hydrogen generation APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 2019,11.30SCI一区SCI通讯作者第二单位
11朱钰方Co2N nanoparticles embedded N-doped mesoporous carbon as efficient electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reactionApplied Surface Science 473 (2019) 555–563SCI一区SCI通讯作者第二单位
12王红强Three-dimensional interconnected network few-layered MoS2/N, S co-doped graphene as anodes for enhanced reversible lithium and sodium storageELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 293:47-59SCI一区SCI通讯作者第三单位
13解明江Redox-active mesoporous carbon nanosheet with rich cracks for high-performance electrochemical energy storageJournal of Alloys and CompoundsVolume 794, 25 July 2019, Pages 247-254SCI二区SCI通讯作者第一单位
14万柳Multi-heteroatom-doped hierarchical porous carbon derived from chestnut shell with superior performance in supercapacitorsJournal of Alloys and Compounds, 790(2019年3月),760-771SCI二区SCI第一作者第一单位
15叶辉Catalyst-Free Annulation of 2‑Pyridylacetates and Ynals withMolecular Oxygen: An Access to 3‑Acylated IndolizinesJ. Org. Chem. 2019, 84, 1630−1639SCI二区SCI通讯作者第二单位
16王鹤文First Principles Study of Penta-siligraphene as High-Performance Anode Material for Li-Ion BatteriesNanoscale Research Letters (2019) 14:260SCI二区SCI第一作者第一单位
17张凯Visible-Light-Catalyzed [3 + 1 + 2] Coupling Annulations for theSynthesis of Unsymmetrical Trisubstituted Amino-1,3,5-triazinesJournal of Organic Chemistry, 2019, 84, 15508−15519SCI二区SCI 通讯作者第二单位
18陈建Selective oxidation of alcohols by porphyrin‐based porous polymer‐supported manganese heterogeneous catalystsApllied Organometallic Chemistry,2019.12SCI二区SCI第一作者第一单位
19陈建Nanoporous phenanthroline polymer locked Pd as highly efficient catalyst for Suzuki‐Miyaura Coupling reaction at room temperatureApllied Organometallic Chemistry,2019.12SCI二区SCI第一作者第一单位
20田正芳Metal-organic framework-coated magnetite nanoparticles for synergistic magnetic hyperthermia and chemotherapy with pH-triggered drug releaseSCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF ADVANCED MATERIALS 2019,20(1),1043-1054SCI二区SCI通讯作者第二单位
21王红强Synthesis of FeS Nanoparticles Embedded in MoS2/C Nanosheets as High-Performance Anode Material for Lithium-Ion BatteriesENERGY TECHNOLOGY 7(5):1801132SCI二区SCI第一作者第一单位
22龙涛Supercritical fluid CO2 extraction of three polymethoxyflavones from Citri reticulatae pericarpium and subsequent preparative separation by continuous high-speed counter-current chromatographyJournal of  Chromatography B、1124:284-289、2019年8月SCI三区SCI 第一作者第一单位
23徐兰英Fabrication of freestanding SiO2-TiO2 composite by a facile one pot methodMaterials and manufacturing Processes、34(6):624-629、2019SCI三区SCI 通讯作者第一单位
24万柳One-step synthesis of N, S-codoped porous graphitic carbon derived from lotus leaves for high-performance supercapacitorsIonics, 25(2019年6月), 4891-4903.SCI三区SCI第一作者第一单位
25张万举Study of interaction between citrate-coated silver nanoparticles and gamma globulin using spectroscopic methodJournal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 2018, 23, 1-18SCI三区SCI第一作者第一单位
26王鹤文First principles study of g-Mg3N2 as an anode material for Na-, K-, Mg-, Ca- and Al-ion storageRSC Advances 2019, 9, 27378–27385SCI三区SCI通讯作者第二单位
27刘闪闪Synthesis, structures and luminescence of two lanthanide coordination polymers based on 2,4-pyridinedicarboxylic acidJournal of Solid State Chemistry,2019,279,120931SCI三区SCI第二作者第一单位
28陈砚美Synthesis, structures and luminescence of two lanthanide coordination polymers based on 2,4-pyridinedicarboxylic acidJournal of Solid State Chemistry,2019,279,120931SCI三区SCI第一作者第一单位
29陈砚美Two heterometallic coordination polymers based on Sr(II) ion and dicarboxylate ligandPolyhedron, 2019, 159, 18-23.SCI三区SCI第一作者第一单位
30陈建One-pot synthesized porphyrin-based polymer supported gold nanoparticles as efficient catalysts for alkyne hydration and alcohol oxidation in waterGold Bulletin,2019.3SCI三区SCI第一作者第二单位
31王鹤文First principles study of alkali and alkaline earth metal ions adsorption and diffusion on penta-grapheneSolid State Ionics 342 (2019) 115062SCI三区SCI第一作者第一单位
32冉敬文Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Photocatalytic Properties of two Novel Fe-complexes Based on Oxalato Ligands1Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry,2019, Vol. 64, No. 9, pp. 1095–1100SCI四区SCI第一作者第一单位
33肖文平Predicting the Mechanism of the AnalgesicProperty of Yanhusuo Based on Network PharmacologyNatural Product Communications 2019, 14(10): 1–10SCI四区SCI第一作者第二单位
34陈砚美Dy(III) and Sm(III) Coordination Polymers Based on 2,4-Pyridinedicarboxylic Acid: Synthesis, Structures, Luminescenceand MagnetismJournal of Cluster Science,2019.11月,doi.org/10.1007/s10876-019-01706-5SCI四区SCI第一作者第一单位
35陈砚美Synthesis, Structure and Luminescent Properties of Three 1D Chain Rare Earth Complexes结构化学,2019, 38, 977-984.SCI四区SCI第一作者第一单位
36朱立红Efficient Ni(OH)2 Supported Ultra-Low Content of Pt Electrocatalyst for Ethanol Oxidation in Alkaline SolutionCurrent Nanoscience 2019,15(3):242-247SCI四区SCI通讯作者第二单位
37陈建Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Melamine Based Polyamide Materials and Application in Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling ReactionMacromolecular ResearchSCI四区SCI第一作者第一单位
38田正芳Dissolving Graphene/Poly(Acrylic Acid) Microneedles for Potential Transdermal Drug Delivery and Photothermal TherapyJOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY 2019, 19(5), 2453-2459SCI四区SCI通讯作者第一单位
39杨水彬Two Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Crystals Based on[SMo12O40]2- Polyoxometallates and Supramolecular Cation: Syntheses and Crystal StructuresCHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 2019,35,1805-1812SCI四区SCI通讯作者第二单位
40陈砚美Mg(II)-Zn(II)异金属配合物的结构设计与发光性质华中师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 53(3),  359-364.北大中文核心北大中文核心第一作者第一单位
41龙涛响应面优化超临界CO2萃取陈皮多甲氧基黄酮研究 食品研究与开发、40(11):16-20、2019年6月核心期刊   通讯作者第二单位
42龙涛正相柱色谱法分离制备陈皮中橘皮素和川陈皮素中国酿造、38(1):170-173核心期刊   通讯作者第二单位
43张凯水性环氧-丙烯酸酯复合乳液制备研究进展涂料工业,2019,12核心期刊   通讯作者第一单位

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