祝俊伦,男,1993年生,中共党员,工学博士,湖北省级人才,主要从事电分析化学、纳米酶、即时检测等相关研究。近年来主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,湖北省自然科学基金青年项目1项,教育部重点实验室开放基金1项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目1项。目前担任Frontiers in Chemistry杂志客座编辑,担任Analytical Chemistry、Biosensors and Bioelectronics等国际期刊审稿人。目前在Analytical Chemistry、Coordination Chemistry Reviews、Chemical Communications、Biosensors and Bioelectronics、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Carbon、Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical、Talanta、Analytica Chimica Acta、Chemical Research in Chinese Universities等国内外学术刊物上发表科研论文20余篇,他引800余次,H index=15。
E-mail: zhujunlun@hgnu.edu.cn & zhujunlunchem@163.com
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目编号:22304059,主持
2. 湖北省自然科学基金青年项目,项目编号:2023AFB012,主持
3. 教育部重点实验室开放基金,项目编号:KLSAOFM2315,主持
4. 甘肃省河西走廊特色资源利用重点实验室开放基金,项目编号:ZDSYS-2023-4,主持
5. 赢咖博士启动基金,项目编号:2042023019,主持,结题
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目编号:22076041,参与
7. 湖北省自然科学基金面上项目,项目编号:2017CFB529,参与
1. Junlun Zhu*, Dong Shao, Wei Wen*, Zhengfang Tian, Xiuhua Zhang, Shengfu Wang*, Self-powered electrochemical sensor based on photoelectrode: An up-to-date review, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2024, 518, 216095.(SCI一区Top, IF=20.3)
2. Junlun Zhu#, Yao Xiao#, Wei Hu, Qian Cui, Yuying Yuan, Xu Peng, Wei Wen*, Xiuhua Zhang, Shengfu Wang*,A portable self-powered electrochemical sensor based on zinc-air battery for detection of hydrogen sulfide, Analytical Chemistry, 2024, 96, 5, 1852–1860. (SCI一区Top,IF= 6.7)
3. Jiadong Chen#, Hongyi Li#, Dong Shao, Tao Long*, Lanying Xu, Junlun Zhu*,A photoelectrochemical sensor based on copper-based metal organic framework derivatives for the homogeneous detection of L-cysteine, Microchemical Journal, 2024, 197, 109768.
4. Junlun Zhu*, Qian Cui, Tao Long, Yijia Wang, Wei Wen, Zhengfang Tian, Xiuhua Zhang, Shengfu Wang*, N-doped carbon Co/CoOx with laccase-like activity for detection of epinephrine, Microchim. Acta, 2023, 190, 459.
5. Junlun Zhu, Wei Wen, Zhengfang Tian*, Xiuhua Zhang, Shengfu Wang*, Covalent organic framework: A state-of-the-art review of electrochemical sensing applications, Talanta, 2023, 260, 124613.(SCI一区Top)
6. Xi Zhang, Junlun Zhu*, Zhen Wu, Wei Wen, Xiuhua Zhang, Shengfu Wang*, Electrochemical sensor based on confined synthesis of gold nanoparticles @ covalent organic frameworks for the detection of bisphenol A, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2023,1239, 340743.
7. Junlun Zhu#, Xu Peng#, Wei Nie, Yijia Wang, Jingwen Gao, Wei Wen*, Jonathan Nimal Selvaraj, Xiuhua Zhang, Shengfu Wang*, Hollow copper sulfide nanocubes as multifunctional nanozymes for colorimetric detection of dopamine and electrochemical detection of glucose, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2019, 141, 111450.(他引181次,Google)(SCI一区Top)
8. Junlun Zhu, Wei Nie, Qin Wang, Wei Wen*, Xiuhua Zhang, Fujun Li, Shengfu Wang*, A competitive self-powered sensing platform based on visible light assisted zinc-air battery system, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 5739-5742.(Backcover)
9. Junlun Zhu, Guan Luo, Xu Peng, Wei Wen*, Xiuhua Zhang, Shengfu Wang*, Visible light mediated self-powered sensing based on target induced recombination of photogenerated carriers, J. Hazard. Mater., 2021, 407, 124765.(SCI一区Top)
10. Junlun Zhu, Wei Nie, Qin Wang, Jingwen Li, Huan Li, Wei Wen*, Ting Bao, Huayu Xiong, Xiuhua Zhang, Shengfu Wang*, In situ growth of copper oxide-graphite carbon nitride nanocomposites with peroxidase-mimicking activity for electrocatalytic and colorimetric detection of hydrogen peroxide, Carbon, 2018, 129, 29-37. (他引104次,Google)(SCI二区)
11. Junlun Zhu, Meiqi Wen, Wei Wen*, Dan, Du, Xiuhua Zhang, Shengfu Wang*, Yuehe Lin, Recent progress in biosensors based on organic-inorganic hybrid nanoflowers, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2018, 120, 175-187. (他引78次,Google)(SCI一区Top)
12. Junlun Zhu, Yuzhe Wang, Zhongjia Wu, Zhen Wu, Wei Wen*, Xiuhua Zhang, Shengfu Wang*, Self-powered electrochemical sensing platform based on zinc-air battery via synergy of the light filtering effect and photoassisted oxygen reduction reaction, Sens. Actuators B Chem., 2022, 355, 131320.(SCI一区Top)
13. Junlun Zhu#, Qian Cui#, Wei Wen*, Xiuhua Zhang, Shengfu Wang*, Cu/CuO-Graphene foam with laccase-like activity for identification of phenolic compounds and detection of epinephrine, Chem. Res. Chinese Universities, 2022, 38, 919-927.
14. Junlun Zhu, Guan Luo, Xiaoxue Xi, Yijia Wang, Jonathan Nimal Selvaraj, Wei Wen*, Xiuhua Zhang, Shengfu Wang*, Cu2+-modified hollow carbon nanospheres: an unusual nanozyme with enhanced peroxidase-like activity, Microchim. Acta, 2021, 188, 8.
15. Zhongjia Wu#, Junlun Zhu#, Wei Wen*, Xiuhua Zhang, Shengfu Wang*, Spherical covalent organic framework supported Cu/Ag bimetallic nanoparticles with highly catalytic activity for reduction of 4-nitrophenol, J. Solid State Chem., 2022, 311, 123116.
16. Kaiyan Fan, Junlun Zhu, Xiaowei Wu*, Xiuhua Zhang, Shengfu Wang, Wei Wen*, A flexible label-free electrochemical aptasensor based on target-induced conjunction of two split aptamers and enzyme amplification, Sens. Actuators B Chem., 2022, 363, 131766.
17. Jing Huang, Wangbo Qu, Junlun Zhu, Heng Liu*, Wei Wen, Xiuhua Zhang*, Shengfu Wang, Electrochemiluminescent sensor based on Ru(bpy)32+-doped silica nanoprobe by incorporating a new co-reactant NBD-amine for selective detection of hydrogen sulfide, Sens. Actuators B Chem., 2019, 284, 451-455.
18. Tongyao Wang, Dong Dong, Tong Chen, Junlun Zhu, Wei Wen, Xiuhua Zhang, Huadong Tang, Jichao Liang*, Shengfu Wang*, Huayu Xiong*, Acidity-responsive cascade nanoreactor based on metal-nanozyme and glucose oxidase combination for starving and photothermal-enhanced chemodynamic antibacterial therapy, Chem. Eng. J., 2022, 137172.
19. Yunxia Jin, Zhen Wu, Li Li, Ruiqiang Yan, Junlun Zhu, Wei Wen, Xiuhua Zhang, Shengfu Wang*, Zinc-air battery-based self-powered sensor with high output power for ultrasensitive MicroRNA let-7a detection in cancer cells, Anal. Chem., 2022, 94, 14368-14376.
20. Niu Li, Xiaoxue Xi, Junlun Zhu, Xiaowei Wu*, Xiuhua Zhang, Shengfu Wang, Wei Wen*, High sensitivity and rapid detection of hepatitis B virus DNA using lateral flow biosensors based on Au@Pt nanorods in the absence of hydrogen peroxide, Analyst, 2022, 147, 423-429.
21. Xiaoxue Xi, Meiqi Wen, Shihao Song, Junlun Zhu, Wei Wen*, Xiuhua Zhang, Shengfu Wang*, A H2O2-free electrochemical peptide biosensor based on Au@Pt bimetallic nanorods for highly sensitive sensing of Matrix Metalloproteinase 2, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 6039-6042.
22. Xiaoxue Xi, Xu Peng, Chengyi Xiong, Deyao Shi, Junlun Zhu, Wei Wen*, Xiuhua Zhang, Shengfu Wang*, Iron doped graphitic carbon nitride with peroxidase like activity for colorimetric detection of sarcosine and hydrogen peroxide, Microchim. Acta, 2020, 187: 383.
23. Xiaolun Peng, Junlun Zhu, Zhen Wu, Wei Wen, Xiuhua Zhang, Miao-Miao Chen, Shengfu Wang,High-efficient Pt@COF nanospheres-based electrochemical-chemical chemical redox cycling for ultrasensitive microRNAs biosensing, Sens. Actuators B Chem., 2023, 392, 134074.
24. Dong Shao, Le Shi, Genyan Liu, Jing Yue, Shujun Ming, Xiaodong Yang, Junlun Zhu, Zhijun Ruan, Metalo hydrogen-bonded organic frameworks self-assembled by charge-assisted synthons for ultrahigh proton conduction, Cryst. Growth Des. 2023, 23, 5035–5042.
25. Xiao-Qin Wei, Tong Li, Yu-Bo Li, Jiong Yang, Li Shan, Junlun Zhu, Yi Wan, Dong Shao*, Supramolecular assembly, structure, magnetic property, and proton conductivity of a nickel(II) hydrogen-bonded organosulfonate framework, Journal of Molecular Structure, 2024, 1308, 138064.
26. Qian Cui, Yunxia Jin, Junlun Zhu, Xiaopeng Guo, Ting Bao, Zhen Wu*, Wei Wen, Xiuhua Zhang, Shengfu Wang*, Structural regulation of covalent organic framework boost high-performance self-powered electrochemical sensor based on zinc-air battery, Chem. Eng. J.,2024, 494, 152952.
1. 2024年湖北省优秀学士学位论文指导老师;
2. 2024年湖北省第十七届老员工化学(化工)学术创新成果报告会一等奖指导老师
3. 2023年湖北省优秀学士学位论文指导老师;
4. 2021年获博士研究生国家奖学金;
5. 2021年获湖北省化学化工学会分析化学专业委员会第二十四届学术年会博士研究生报告二等奖;
6. 2018年获硕士研究生国家奖学金;
7. 2018年获湖北省化学化工学会分析化学专业委员会第二十二届学术年会硕士研究生报告一等奖;
8. 2017年获湖北大学优秀共产党员;
9. 2016年获湖北省优秀学士学位论文。