杜成,女,1989年11月生,博士,副教授。赢咖“碳基能源材料”学科团队成员和赢咖第二届“明珠学者”第一层次人才计划入选者。主要从事纳米材料的可控合成及其在能源存储和转换技术方面的应用研究。截至目前,在ACS Catalysis, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Chemical Communications, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Journal of Power Sources等国际学术期刊上发表40余篇论文。指导的员工在湖北省普通高校老员工化学实验技能竞赛获得一等奖,在湖北省老员工化学(化工)学术创新成果报告会上获得二等奖。
2017年6月-至今 赢咖任教
1.Cheng Du, Lan Yang, Fulin Yang, Gongzhen Cheng, Wei Luo*. Nest-like NiCoP for highly efficient overall water splitting. ACS Catal., 2017, 7, 4131.
2.Cheng Du, Peng Li, Fulin Yang, Gongzhen Cheng, Shengli Chen*, Wei Luo*. Monodisperse palladium sulfide as efficient electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10, 753.
3.Cheng Du, Yuxiang Liao, Xing Hua, Wei Luo*, Shengli Chen*, Gongzhen Cheng. Amine-borane assisted synthesis of wavy palladium nanorods on graphene as efficient catalysts for formic acid oxidation. Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 12843.
4.Cheng Du, Xiuze Hei, Wei Luo*, Gongzhen Cheng*. Synthesis of 3D nitrogen-doped graphene supported AgPd nanocatalysts and application in catalytic dehydrogenation of formic acid for chemical hydrogen storage. 中国科学:化学, 2016, 46, 487.
5.Cheng Du, Yana Men, Xiuze Hei, Jiahao Yu, Gongzhen Cheng, and Wei Luo*.Mo-doped Ni3S2 nanowires as high-performance electrocatalysts for overall water splitting. ChemElectroChem 2018, 5, 2564-2570.
6.Liu Wan*, Dequan Chen, Jiaxing Liu, Yan Zhang, Jian Chen, Mingjiang Xie, Cheng Du*. Construction of FeNiP@CoNi-layered double hydroxide hybrid nanosheets on carbon cloth for high energy asymmetric supercapacitors. J. Power Sources 2020, 465, 228293.
7.Wei Wei, Yan Zhang, Jian Chen, Cheng Du*, Mingjiang Xie* , Liu Wan, Xuefeng Guo*. Controllable synthesis of worm-nest-like nanocarbons doped with all-electroactive nitrogen species for high-energy-density supercapacitors. Appl. Surf. Science 2021, 541, 148463.
8.Chen Chen, Meiping Liu, Zexue Liu, Mingjiang Xie, Liu Wan, Jian Chen, Yan Zhang, Cheng Du*, Dongsheng Li*. Design of mesoporous Ni-Co hydroxides nanosheets stabilized by BO2- for pseudocapacitors with superior performance. J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 2022, 614, 66.
9.Cheng Du⁎, Guole Wang, Zexue Liu, Chen Chen, Mingjiang Xie, Jian Chen, Yan Zhang, Liu Wan⁎. Design of B, P co-doped CoNi bimetallic for boosting supercapacitor performance: Effect of boronation and phosphorization order. J. Alloys and Compd. 2023, 935, 168147.
10.Ying Xiao, Ge Ye, Mingjiang Xie, Yan Zhang, Jian Chen, Cheng Du*, Liu Wan*. Mushroom-like cobalt nickle metaphosphate@nickel diselenide core–shell nanorods for asymmetric supercapacitors. J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 2023, 638, 300.