1. Hewen Wang; Wenwei Luo; Musheng Wu*; Chuying Ouyang*; Two-dimensional penta-siligraphene with high performance for non‑lithium metal ions batteries anode materials, Solid State Ionics, 2022, 385: 116020.
2. Lixin Xiong; Hewen Wang*; Shicheng Yu; Wan Xiong; Chuying Ouyang*; First-principles calculation identification of ultrahigh hydrogen storage capacity in g-Mg3N2, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 867: 158744.
3. Hewen Wang; Wenwei Luo*; Musheng Wu*; Chuying Ouyang*; The effect of strain on the Li-storage performance of V2C and Nb2C: From first-principles study, Solid State Communications, 2020, 311: 113857.
4. Wang Hewen; Wu Musheng*; Tian Zhengfang; Xu Bo; Ouyang Chuying*; First Principles Study of Penta-siligraphene as High-Performance Anode Material for Li-Ion Batteries , Nanoscale Research Letters, 2019, 14: 260.
5. Wang Hewen; Wu Musheng; Lei Xueling; Tian Zhengfang; Xu Bo; Huang Kevin*; Ouyang Chuying*; Siligraphene as a promising anode material for lithium-ion batteries predicted from first-principles calculations , Nano Energy, 2018, 49: 67-76.
6. Wang Hewen; Wu Musheng; Tian Zhengfang; Liu Gang; Xu Bo; Yang Shengyuan A; Ouyang Chuying*; Electron-donor doping enhanced Li storage in electride Ca2N monolayer: a first-principles study , Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2018, 30(34): 345501.
7. Luo Wenwei; Wang Hewen*; Hu Junping; Liu Sanqiu; Ouyang Chuying*; Curvature induced improvement of Li storage in Ca2N nanotubes, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 459: 406-410.