2007年6月-至今 赢咖任教
项目编号:20901039。 主持人, 已结题。
2.湖北省高等学校优秀中青年科技创新团队项目: 5N级石英砂提纯生产工艺及成套装备研发;
项目编号: T2021023 主持人 在研。
项目编号:2021442 主持人 在研。
1、Zhengfang Tian, Xianxian Yao, Yufang Zhu*, Simple synthesis of multifunctional zeolitic imidazolate frameworks-8/graphene oxide nanocrystals with controlled drug release and photothermal effect. Microporous And Mesoporous Materials, 2017, 237, 160-167
2、Xianxian Yao#, Zhengfang Tian#, Jiaxing Liu, Yufang Zhu*, Nobutaka Hanagata*, Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Capped with Graphene Quantum Dots for Potential Chemo-Photothermal Synergistic Cancer Therapy. Langmuir, 2017, 33(2): 591-599.
3、Zhengfang Tian, Xianxian Yao, Kexin Ma, Xingxing Niu, Julia Grothe, Qingni Xu, Liansheng Liu, Stefan Kaskel, Yufang Zhu*, Metal-Organic Framework/Graphene Quantum Dot Nanoparticles Used for Synergistic Chemo-and Photothermal Therapy. ACS Omega, 2017, 2(3): 1249-1258.
4、Zheng-Fang Tian, Ming-Jiang Xie, Yu Shen, Yong-Zheng Wang, Xue-Feng Guo*, Fabrication of sulfonated mesoporous carbon by evaporation induced self-assembly/carbonization approach and its supercapacitive properties. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2017, 28(4): 863-867.
5、Hong-Bin Luo, Mei Wang, Shao-Xian Liu, Chen Xue, Zheng-Fang Tian*, Yang Zou, Xiao-Ming Ren*, Proton Conductance of a Superior Water-Stable Metal-Organic Framework and Its Composite Membrane with Poly(vinylidene fluoride). Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, 56(7): 4169-4175.
6、Zhengfang Tian, Shuyi Duan, Yu Shen, Mingjiang Xie, Xuefeng Guo*, SiO2@MgO nanoparticles templated mesoporous carbon with rich electro-active oxygenic functionalities and enhanced supercapacitive performances. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 407, 463-469.
7、Hong-Bin Luo, Mei Wang, Jin Zhang, Zheng-Fang Tian*, Yang Zou, Xiao-Ming Ren*, Open-Framework Chalcogenide Showing Both Intrinsic Anhydrous and Water-Assisted High Proton Conductivity. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2018, 10(3): 2619-2627.
8、Zhengfang Tian, Xia Yu, Zhijun Ruan, Min Zhu, Yufang Zhu*, Nobutaka Hanagata*, Magnetic mesoporous silica nanoparticles coated with thermo-responsive copolymer for potential chemo- and magnetic hyperthermia therapy. Microporous And Mesoporous Materials, 2018, 256, 1-9.(高被引论文)
9、Zhengfang Tian, Jiwei Cheng, Jiaxing Liu, Yufang Zhu*, Dissolving Graphene/Poly(Acrylic Acid) Microneedles for Potential Transdermal Drug Delivery and Photothermal Therapy. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2019,19(5):2453-2459
10、Jiajie Chen, Jiaxing Liu, Yaping Hu, Zhengfang Tian*, Yufang Zhu*, Metal-organic framework-coated magnetite nanoparticles for synergistic magnetic hyperthermia and chemotherapy with pH-triggered drug release. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 2019, 20(1): 1043-1054
11、Shushu Huang, Dengyao Yang, Qianxi Tang, Wei Deng, Long Zhang, Ziye Jia, Zhengfang Tian,*, Qiang Gao, *, Limin Guo Pt-loaded ellipsoidal nanozeolite as an active catalyst for toluene catalytic combustion Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2020, 305, 110292
12、Shushu Huang, Wei Deng, Long Zhang, Dengyao Yang, Qiang Gao,*, Zhengfang Tian, *, Limin Guo,*, Tatsumi Ishiharac,d Adsorptive properties in toluene removal over hierarchical zeolites Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2020,302,110204
13、Shiyang Lin, Yi Cao, Jiajie Chen, Zhengfang Tian, Yufang Zhu,∗ Recent advances in microneedles for tumor therapy and diagnosis Applied Materials Today 2021, 23, 101036
14、Zhengfang Tian, Shruti Moorthy, Huan Xiang, Peng Peng, Maolin You, Qian Zhang, Shun-Yi Yang, Yang-Lu Zhang, Dong-Qing Wu,* Saurabh Kumar Singh * Dong Shao Tuning chain topologies and magnetic anisotropy in one-dimensional cobaltIJII) coordination polymers via distinct dicarboxylates CrystEngComm, 2022, 24, 3928–3937.
15、Zhengfang Tian, Kejia Zhou, Mingjiang Xie, Yan Zhang, Jian Chen, Cheng Du, Liu Wan* Self-supported nickel iron selenide@nickel cobalt boride core-shell nanosheets electrode for asymmetric supercapacitors Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 447, 137495
CN201710144695.4 发明专利 第一发明人
CN201710144689.9发明专利 第一发明人
ZL 201811637977.9发明专利 第一发明人
1、高品质贵金属材料绿色制备关键技术及装备 湖北省科技进步二等奖 排第3