

  • 来源:赢咖
  • 发布时间:2022-04-28





20076-至今 赢咖任教




  项目编号:20901039。 主持人, 已结题。

2.湖北省高等学校优秀中青年科技创新团队项目: 5N级石英砂提纯生产工艺及成套装备研发;

  项目编号: T2021023 主持人 在研。


  项目编号:2021442 主持人 在研。


1、Zhengfang Tian, Xianxian Yao, Yufang Zhu*, Simple synthesis of multifunctional zeolitic imidazolate frameworks-8/graphene oxide nanocrystals with controlled drug release and photothermal effect.  Microporous And Mesoporous Materials, 2017, 237, 160-167

2、Xianxian Yao#, Zhengfang Tian#, Jiaxing Liu, Yufang Zhu*, Nobutaka Hanagata*, Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Capped with Graphene Quantum Dots for Potential Chemo-Photothermal Synergistic Cancer Therapy. Langmuir, 2017, 33(2): 591-599.

3、Zhengfang Tian, Xianxian Yao, Kexin Ma, Xingxing Niu, Julia Grothe, Qingni Xu, Liansheng Liu, Stefan Kaskel, Yufang Zhu*, Metal-Organic Framework/Graphene Quantum Dot Nanoparticles Used for Synergistic Chemo-and Photothermal Therapy. ACS Omega, 2017, 2(3): 1249-1258.

4、Zheng-Fang Tian, Ming-Jiang Xie, Yu Shen, Yong-Zheng Wang, Xue-Feng Guo*, Fabrication of sulfonated mesoporous carbon by evaporation induced self-assembly/carbonization approach and its supercapacitive properties. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2017, 28(4): 863-867.

5、Hong-Bin Luo, Mei Wang, Shao-Xian Liu, Chen Xue, Zheng-Fang Tian*, Yang Zou, Xiao-Ming Ren*, Proton Conductance of a Superior Water-Stable Metal-Organic Framework and Its Composite Membrane with Poly(vinylidene fluoride). Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, 56(7): 4169-4175.

6、Zhengfang Tian,  Shuyi Duan, Yu Shen, Mingjiang Xie, Xuefeng Guo*, SiO2@MgO nanoparticles templated mesoporous carbon with rich electro-active oxygenic functionalities and enhanced supercapacitive performances. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 407, 463-469.

7、Hong-Bin Luo, Mei Wang, Jin Zhang, Zheng-Fang Tian*, Yang Zou, Xiao-Ming Ren*, Open-Framework Chalcogenide Showing Both Intrinsic Anhydrous and Water-Assisted High Proton Conductivity. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2018, 10(3): 2619-2627.

8、Zhengfang Tian,  Xia Yu, Zhijun Ruan, Min Zhu, Yufang Zhu*, Nobutaka Hanagata*, Magnetic mesoporous silica nanoparticles coated with thermo-responsive copolymer for potential chemo- and magnetic hyperthermia therapy. Microporous And Mesoporous Materials, 2018, 256, 1-9.(高被引论文)

9、Zhengfang Tian, Jiwei Cheng,  Jiaxing Liu, Yufang Zhu*, Dissolving Graphene/Poly(Acrylic Acid) Microneedles for Potential Transdermal Drug Delivery and Photothermal Therapy. Journal of  Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2019,19(5):2453-2459

10、Jiajie Chen, Jiaxing Liu, Yaping Hu, Zhengfang Tian*, Yufang Zhu*,  Metal-organic framework-coated magnetite nanoparticles for synergistic magnetic hyperthermia and chemotherapy with pH-triggered drug release. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 2019, 20(1): 1043-1054

11、Shushu Huang, Dengyao Yang, Qianxi Tang, Wei Deng, Long Zhang, Ziye Jia, Zhengfang Tian,*, Qiang Gao, *, Limin Guo  Pt-loaded ellipsoidal nanozeolite as an active catalyst for toluene catalytic combustion  Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2020, 305, 110292

12、Shushu Huang, Wei Deng, Long Zhang, Dengyao Yang, Qiang Gao,*, Zhengfang Tian, *, Limin Guo,*, Tatsumi Ishiharac,d Adsorptive properties in toluene removal over hierarchical zeolites Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2020,302,110204

13、Shiyang Lin, Yi Cao, Jiajie Chen, Zhengfang Tian, Yufang Zhu,  Recent advances in microneedles for tumor therapy and diagnosis Applied Materials Today 2021, 23, 101036

14、Zhengfang Tian, Shruti Moorthy, Huan Xiang, Peng Peng,  Maolin You, Qian Zhang, Shun-Yi Yang, Yang-Lu Zhang, Dong-Qing Wu,* Saurabh Kumar Singh * Dong Shao Tuning chain topologies and magnetic anisotropy in one-dimensional cobaltIJII) coordination polymers via distinct dicarboxylates CrystEngComm, 2022, 24, 3928–3937.

15、Zhengfang Tian, Kejia Zhou, Mingjiang Xie, Yan Zhang, Jian Chen, Cheng Du, Liu Wan* Self-supported nickel iron selenide@nickel cobalt boride core-shell nanosheets electrode for asymmetric supercapacitors Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 447, 137495



  CN201710144695.4  发明专利  第一发明人


  CN201710144689.9发明专利  第一发明人


  ZL 201811637977.9发明专利  第一发明人


1、高品质贵金属材料绿色制备关键技术及装备 湖北省科技进步二等奖 排第3


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