

  • 来源:赢咖
  • 发布时间:2019-06-19






2006/09-2010/07 黄石理工学院学士

2010/09-2013/07 武汉工程大学硕士

2013/09-2018/07 华中科技大学博士

2018/09-至今    赢咖讲师


1. 赢咖启动基金项目:无机-有机杂化材料设计及其光催化偶联反应性能,项目编号:2042019026,主持,在研。

2. 湖北省教育厅青年人才项目:全共轭羰基有机多孔材料设计与储能应用研究,项目编号:Q20212901,主持,已结题。

3. 横向项目:多相手性拆分催化剂的研发。主持,60万,已结题。

4. 横向项目:《新型环保阻燃高分子建筑材料的研制》,主持,15万,已结题


1、L Wan *,T Jiang, Y Zhang *, et al., 2D/2D heterojunction of cobalt iron selenide and nickel cobalt phosphate for boosted supercapacitor performance[J], Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023(931):167581.

2、S Zhang, M Xie*, Y Zhang*, et al., Clean production of N, O-doped activated carbon by water vapor carbonization/activation of expired coffee for high-volumetric supercapacitor[J], Applied Surface Science, 2022(589): 153011.

3、Y Zhang, T Wang*, M Xie*, et al., Faradaic-active N-doped reduced graphene as electrode for supercapacitor with high-volumetric performances[J], Journal of Energy Storage, 2022(54):105299 .

4、L Wan*, Y Wang, Y Zhang*, et al., NiAlP@Cobalt substituted nickel carbonate hydroxide heterostructure engineered for enhanced supercapacitor performance[J], Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022(609):1.

5、Y Zhang, J Chen*, M Xie*, et al., Synthesis of faradaic-active N,O-doped carbon nanosheets from m-trihydroxybenzene and piperazine for high-performance supercapacitor [J], Applied Surface Science, 2021,538:148040.

6、D Yang , W Zhang *, Y Zhang* , et al., Palladium supported on structurally stable phenanthroline-based polymer nanotubes as a high-performance catalyst for the aqueous Suzuki–Miyaura coupling reaction, New Journal of Chemistry, 2021(45):12120.

7、Zhang Y, Zhang L, Cheng L, et al., Synthesis of faradaic-active N,O-doped carbon nanosheets from m-trihydroxybenzene and piperazine for high-performance supercapacitor [J], Applied Surface Science, 2021, 538:148040.

8、Y Zhang, L Cheng, J Chen*, et al., Effect of conjugation level on the performance of porphyrin polymer based supercapacitors [J], Journal of Energy Storage, 2020,34:102018.

9、Y Zhang, X Zhang, J Gao, et al., Photocatalytic Suzuki–Miyaura Coupling Reactions over Palladium Anchored on 8-Hydroxyquinoline-Based Polymers [J]. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2020, 221(14): 2000076.

10、Zhang Y, Zhang L, Zhang, X, et al. Pyridine-based hypercrosslinked polymers as support materials for palladium photocatalysts and their application in Suzuki–Miyaura coupling reactions [J]. New Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 44: 15202.


2021年,张燕论文《Synthesis of faradaic-active N,O-doped carbon nanosheets from m-trihydroxybenzene and piperazine for high-performance supercapacitor》荣获第十一届黄冈市优秀学术论文一等奖。






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